Sometimes my heart opens so wide in gratitude for my dear parents. Mom just turned 82 and my dadmy parents summer 2011 next month will be 86, they are still so spunky, completely spontaneous and full of life.  It’s an 8 hour drive from our house to theirs, so it was a bit of a surprise they called one evening this week and were here the next!

While I was growing up my dad built apartments and then just before I left home he sold some of those buildings and bought a couple wheat farms. He is still farming.  While on the combine or in the grain truck he loves to ponder the miracle of life, and I love listening to the wisdom he has gleaned.  Here’s a little of what he shared this time about….

The Life in the Seed

Every seed has within it the knowing to grow down first.
The seed continues growing downward until it reaches just the perfect amount of moisture and nutrients it needs to sustain life.  At that moment, the seed knows to begin it’s journey upward, and it starts growing towards the sun reaching for the light. How miraculous is that? the incredible timing and innate knowing in one tiny seed?

And so- I began contemplating! The seeds of divinity, our spirit, in each of us – grows deep first, and then when the timing of our sustenance for a flourishing life is perfect, our spirit begins it’s journey upward. Light energizes us, clarifies for us, directs us and we blossom being who we are, all of who we are and the world is grateful. During the dark nights of our life experience, it’s only our spirit growing deeper into Source because we need more nourishment and connection to Love to continue our journey upward.