next time you hold grains of sand

In my inbox yesterday was my inspiration, my reminder and your heart. How many times have you jumped to quick judgements, conclusions, labels and made-up stories of what you absolutely ‘know’ is taking place based on what your physical eyes just...

the eagle

I’ve been thinking about you all week and feel the tug to connect.  I wonder what to write, I ask what I can say that is meaningful and what your heart is longing to hear.  I get nothing, so I put off writing another day.  This morning, it’s the same...

Train Wreck

This morning as I was spinning around in my head, I heard this soft sweet voice say -” you know, the train cannot jump to another track; get off that train!” And so, of course, I stopped suddenly in my tracks!!! I have to admit I was a tad in overwhelm, my...

The bumble bee

Yes, a bumble bee came into my space. I’m sure you’re going, ‘so’?! It’s just that I was in such a peaceful state of gratitude and love, my heart was wide open sitting there enjoying the sun, the river and hugely appreciating life when...

Life in the Seed

Sometimes my heart opens so wide in gratitude for my dear parents. Mom just turned 82 and my dad next month will be 86, they are still so spunky, completely spontaneous and full of life.  It’s an 8 hour drive from our house to theirs, so it was a bit of a...

Real Freedom

And we thought for a minute…freedom, that place deep inside us where we know, we feel and we are completely open, spontaneous, easy, eternally expansive, flowing with ease our personal (yes! personal!!not someone else’s idea) unstoppable heart movement ...