I’m wondering where you are today.  If, in the quiet of your heart, you too are reflecting over this year.
We walked each day, breathed every moment, didn’t we? – and most days seemed quite ordinary, except for the unexpected.Then we gathered from our inner wisdom, strength, courage, and in faith we took the next step. Not every step was perfect, or every word seasoned with grace, but didn’t we speak more truth than ever before, that truth we know as us, from the deepest part of our heart?At the beginning of this year I just wanted to embody one simple word. I wanted to see what would happen in 2013 if I just focused on ‘one’ word – not a litany of goals, intentions or new years resolutions.  How many times have you heard little things make a big difference?  I wanted to see for myself.

Here’s what happened.  The word I chose was ‘receive’.
On New Years Day I made a collage and chose images that represented what I would like to receive this year.

Here’s what I wrote the images meant to me:
I’d like to receive….
*  All possibilities and potential in the Universe
*  The miracle of life and hold it sacredly in the palm of my hand and heart
*  All that the rose stands for – beauty, love and sweet essence
*  Inner Strength & stability of a mountain; wisdom, vision and trust in every climate
*  Stillness, gratitude, guidance and messages in and from Spirit
*  The ‘joy’ and essence of Life
*  Transformation
*  Sunshine, brilliance, warmth, energy and love
*  The flexibility, groundedness, growth, change and ‘always reaching for the Light‘ of a tree
*  The abundant flow of love and life and courageously walk in the middle
*  Fruits of my labor
*  All of who I am, and love every part
*  brand new seeds of truth in the seed bed of  my heart

There are tears in my eyes, my heart is overflowing and I am filled with gratitude appreciating what one word can change.
Every day I was conscious of what was around me to receive, there were times when just receiving ‘me’ in compassion and forgiveness was the receiving.

I touched on the miracle of life and held it sacredly in the palm of my hands rubbing my father’s feet after his stroke, not knowing if I would ever have that chance again.

Possibilities and potential swirled around me and I focused on and received those that called to my heart.  Great abundance on every level flowed in. On Chinese New Year I started a blog to keep me journaling and on track, but by August I stopped, I couldn’t possibly write all the ‘receiving’.

Through the challenging times this year, I received strength and more ease than I could have hoped for, along with help from earth angels and other support I received that made all the difference.

In only a few days we begin again. I’m pondering what new word will be my focus in 2014, and wondering if you too, would like to embody just ‘one’ word this new year?

If you do, and if you’d like, I’ll help you get started.

Wishing you a new year filled with joy – loving all of who you are, and receiving beyond your wildest imagination your heart desires.

…and one more thing, ‘thank-you’ – oh, ‘thank-you’  -for walking beside me this year, for being who you are and allowing me in.  Connecting with you means more to me than you can know.

loving you,